donum vitae donate


Would you like to support donum vitae?

The services by donum vitae Kreisverband Coesfeld e.V. are partially funded by public subsidies. However, the organisation has to raise a large share of its staff and material costs by itself. As a supporter, member or donator you help to fund and financially support our idea of providing assistance to women and couples in emergency situations. Donom vitae is officially registered as a charitable foundation. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will obtain a donation receipt – get more information and spread the idea of donum vitae! 


Bank details

Sparkasse Westmünsterland

IBAN DE16 4015 4530 0018 6025 24 · BIC WELADE3WXXX


VR-Bank Westmünsterland eG

IBAN DE09 4286 1387 0876 4937 00 · BIC GENODEM1BOB


Donation and membership form

donum vitae
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